art nouveau

London is famous for Big Ben, Paris for the Eiffel Tower and Rome for the Coliseum. Barcelona, on the other hand, is associated not with one or two buildings but with the creations of an entire movement, Modernisme, which straddled the nineteenth and twentieth centuries. This book, besides constituting a survey of the most significant buildings by Domènech i Montaner, Antoni Gaudí, Josep Maria Jujol and Puig i Cadafalch, is also a detailed analysis of the forms created by the most important craftsmen of the period, many of whom have been relegated for decades to absolute anonymity.

Photographs by Melba Levick
184pp./ 136il./ 29 x 24.5 cm./ Hardcover

9788434310605  Castellano
9788434310629  English
9788434310612  Català



Domènech i Montaner

Lluís Domènech i Girbau
Photographs by Melba Levick
128pp./ 184il./ 30.5 x 21.5 cm./ Hardcover

9788434307445  Castellano
9788434307650  Català



Antoni Gaudí

Lluís Permanyer
64pp./ 78il./ 31.2 x 24.6 cm./ Hardcover

9788434308558  Castellano
9788434308572  English
9788434308541  Català



The fact that Antoni Gaudí was one of the best architects of his day and age, a member of that transitional generation between the nineteenth and twentieth centuries, is now undisputed, particularly if as well as appreciating the objective quality of his oeuvre we value its originality, the creative inventiveness of its new formal elements and bold structural proposals. Yet, in spite of the decisive crisis suffered by Modern Movement, when Ignasi de Solà-Morales carried out this in-depth study of Gaudí’s work Gaudí was still being called into question.

Antoni Gaudí

Ignasi de Solà-Morales
Photographs by Rafael Vargas
144pp./ 128il./ 28 x 22 cm./ Hardcover

9788434309678  Castellano
9788434309692  English
9788434309685  Català




Ignasi de Solà-Morales
128pp./ 273il./ 30.5 x 21.5 cm./ Hardcover

9788434305977  Castellano
9788434306028  Català



Modernista architecture was not only the product of the convictions of innumerable architects, it also received the unconditional support of property owners. A series of favorable social conditions, but above all this meeting of passions, led to the emergence of Barcelona's Eixample, a unique urban project. In the pages of this book we discover an array of astonishing works by following an itinerary designed to be both instructive and pleasurable.

Photographs by Melba Levick
160pp./ 216il./ 29.5 x 25.5 cm./ Clothbound

9788434308787  Castellano
9788434308794  English
9788434308770  Català



Josep Puig i Cadafalch

Lluís Permanyer
Photographs by Lluís Casals
160pp./ 145il./ 29.5 x 25 cm./ Clothbound

9788434309708  Castellano
9788434309760  English
9788434309715  Català



Photographs by Melba Levick
332pp./ 507il./ 29.5 x 25.5 cm./ Clothbound

9788434306783  Castellano
