contemporary & modern architecture
Buenos Aries is noteworthy for its eclectic architecture, with a wide range of impressive buildings. But when Anat Meidan, an art collector with a passion for La Belle Époque period moved to the city, she was astonished and delighted to discover the extent to which the legacy of the rich Art Nouveau architecture that had flourished there during the first decades of the twentieth century was still very evident.
9788434313613 English
Sao Paulo-born Arthur Casas (1961) is an exception, an architect equally at ease in the areas of residential architecture, commercial spaces, real estate development and design. “I experienced the best period of Brazilian architecture, when anything was possible,” he explains, “including designing a whole city— reorganizing the way of life in urban areas. I brought from my childhood ... this freedom, and a commitment to modernist principles.”
9788434313538 English
Collateral Event of the 14th International Architecture Exhibition - Biennale di Venezia (from 7 June to 23 November 2014) A project for the Venice Biennale curated by Josep Torrents i AlegreContribuitons by Guillem Carabí and Jordi Ribas The project represents a determination to recognize, appreciate and reformulate the specificity of local Catalan architecture in contrast with the global and franchised architecture that has been dominant in rece
120pp./ 110il./ 24 x 16.5 cm./ French jacket
9788434313408 English
9788434313248 bilingual
184pp./ 128il./ Cloth with glued color image
9788434313118 Castellano
9788434313125 English
9788434313132 Français
Alison (1928-1993) and Peter Smithson (1923-2003), two of the most influential and controversial architects of the latter half of the twentieth century, strove to adapt the progressive ideas of the pre-war modern movement to the specific human needs of the period of post-war reconstruction. As younger members of CIAM (Congrès Internationaux d’Architecture Moderne), and as founding members of Team 10, they were at the heart of the debate on the future course of modern architecture.
9788434312548 English