Alison (1928-1993) and Peter Smithson (1923-2003), two of the most influential and controversial architects of the latter half of the twentieth century, strove to adapt the progressive ideas of the pre-war modern movement to the specific human needs of the period of post-war reconstruction. As younger members of CIAM (Congrès Internationaux d’Architecture Moderne), and as founding members of Team 10, they were at the heart of the debate on the future course of modern architecture. The uncompromising modernity of their Hunstanton Secondary Modern School (1949-1954) heralded the Smithsons’ role as the leading exponents of the New Brutalism and the Pop Art movement of the 1960s.

In this book Risselada has collected together the most important published essays about the career of this partnership of British architects, from early contributions by Rayner Banham, Philip Johnson, Kenneth Frampton, and Peter Cook, to more recent texts by Peter Eisenmann, Christine Boyer, Beatriz Colomina, and Luisa Hutton.


Alison & Peter Smithson

A Critical Anthology
Edited by Max Risselada

464pp./ 0x0cm./ 224il./ Hardcover

9788434312548 English


Portada del libro.

On Building is an action that moves towards the future. It involves imagining another reality, another world, different to this one.
In words of the architect: “Building is a long journey through the present continuous. The past exists as an echo, as a phantasmal form that is no longer discussed, and sometimes even its origin is forgotten.
Building means taking root in the mud, squelching through it on a journey without distant horizons.”
Here, the buildings are presented, captured by Adrià Goula, as visual forms, as compositions of planes and surfaces that form volumes and also as a dialectic of the light and shade that define spaces.
Set among the images, like axe blows in the mass, are words and, at the end, the principles of order determined by the plans.
This book collects precise information on the main recent projects by Mateo, from the Offices in Boulogne-Billancourt (France) and the PGGM Headquarters in Zeist (Netherland), to the Banc Sabadell Headquarters Renovation and the Catalonian Film Theatre in Barcelona.
Chair at the ETH Zürich, Josep Lluís Mateo is an international acclaimed Spanish architect with current projects worldwide.

Josep Lluís Mateo

On Building. Matter and Form
Philip Ursprung
Photo-Essay by Adrià Goula.
184pp./ 0x0cm./ 128il./ Cloth with glued color image



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Designed by an experienced team of architects, the most outstanding of which is Carlos Ferrater, one of our most active architects with ongoing projects in Mexico, France and Turkey, the new and ambitious Región de Murcia International Airport endeavours to lessen the historic communication deficiencies in an area clearly inclined towards mass tourism. This is perhaps the reason why one of the initial premises that has undoubtedly guided the design strategy of the passenger terminal –the main building– places the emphasis on potential planning of future extensions, without altering its daily activity. As reflected in the architectural project "it has been conceived as an easily extendible 'processor' that allows for an increase in the number of check-in desks and baggage collection belts, while keeping the basic structure constantly operative. To do so, side gardens with local vegetation have been included which will be occupied in subsequent growth scenarios".
The terminal, removed from the prototypical aeronautical architecture, is based on the superimposition of neutral orthogonal spaces, characterised by a thorough control of the intense Mediterranean light, and the truly white treatment of the interior surfaces. On the other hand, given the importance of circulation, the succession of various identifiable spaces makes rapid and easy legibility of the routes to follow possible, an aspect that has been further strengthened through the use of unmistakable signage elements. Thus, the architectural concept proposed imprints clarity and simplicity on the operative procedures.
This monograph thoroughly reflects the complexity of the project which, apart from the terminal described above, also includes seven auxiliary buildings, through sketches, plans and an extensive photographic essay by Aleix Bagué.

Contributions by Josep Maria Casadevall, Carlos Ferrater, Ramon Sanabria,Dolors Sayeras, Manel Colominas

Photographs by Aleix Bagué


160pp./ 30x24cm./ 159il./ Clothbound

9788434313248 bilingual


Portada del libro.