Rediscovered at the end of the 19th century,Vermeer’s art has intrigued and astounded ever since.Vermeer was unlike his Dutch contemporaries and other painters in his own century and indeed stands out in the whole of the history of painting as unique.The perfection of his work, which everyone recognises and acknowledges, is itself an enigma: how, why, in what conditions, and with whom around him didVermeer paint these silent scenes whose magic holds us in thrall? In answer to these questions, this book presents us with the three different viewpoints of: Gilles Aillaud, a painter and writer whose extreme conciseness of language gives his words the allure of a limpid essay on limpidity; John Michael Montias, who unties the most important items in his biography: his social origins, his family background, his assets, his contact with the painting of his day, his city; and Albert Blankert, who gives us an essential analysis from the perspective of the history of art. To comprehend Vermeer's originality, we need to place him in the context of the art of his era, understand his influences and explore their similarities.In addition to these essays,this book contains a complete catalogue of Vermeer’s work, an assessment of his critical fortune, a selected bibliography and chronology.
Vermeer. Obra Completa
Gilles Aillaud, Albert Blankert, John M. Montias240pp./ 26x31.5cm./ 138il./ Hardcover with jacket
9788434311213 | Castellano |
Doménicos Theotokópoulos, better known as El Greco (1541-1621), gained his training as an artist in Crete, Venice and Rome, the three centers of art that he passed through. Yet even though he learned from the great Italian artists of the 16th century, his arrogance was such that he went so far so to say that Michelangelo was a good man but he did not know how to paint, remarking that the Last Judgment could be painted over and that he could be commissioned to re-do it with honesty and decency and no less quality in the painting. His contemporaries found him a difficult personality. In 1577, he moved to Spain and made his home in Toledo. In this lavishly illustrated volume, Professor Santiago Alcolea Gil describes the most notable aspects of the life and work of this artist, one of the true masters in European pictorial art.
El Greco
Santiago Alcolea i Gil128pp./ 21.5x28cm./ 117il./ Hardcover with jacket
9788434309425 9788434309661 |
Castellano English |
Conventional studies of the Catalan Romanesque do not do justice to the true nature of this art. To remedy this, Diether Rudloff offers us not only an artistic appreciation of these works but also an absolutely new study of the values and the essence of the Romanesque in Catalonia. His vision tends towards a modern cognitive Goetheanism, nuanced by the ideas of Rudolf Steiner, who sees the various historical stages of the human consciousness as an expression of the metamorphosis of a constant spiritual awareness. Notable among the various types of work considered by the author are the monasteries, with their magnificent cloisters Sant Fruitós, Elna, Girona Cathedral, Ripoll, L'Estany and Santes Creus, as well as sculptures, codices and murals, such as those in Sant Climent de Taüll and Santa Maria d'Esterri d'Aneu, many of which are today found in museums in Barcelona and Vic.
Cataluña Románica
Diether Rudloff256pp./ 24x30cm./ 132il./ Hardcover with jacket
9788434311589 9788434311572 |
Castellano Català |